Hi, my name is Nathan Streger
I'm a Software Developer and Supervisor.

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About me

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I have a wife and two kids. I love spending time with my family and raising my two boys. The toddler loves being outside (even in the Texas summer heat) and playing on swing-sets. The youngest likes to wake up at night.

I have several hobbies: Learning Chinese, programming a text-based React-Native mobile phone game, and doing some freelance developer work.

I've worked with a variety of languages and coding environments. For UI work, I'm most comfortable with React-Redux, Typescript, and CSS, but I am using my freelance work to gain experience in ASP.NET. I am also familiar with using the Electron.js framework for desktop apps. My backend experience includes maintaining a .NET Framework Rest API that connects to a PostgreSQL database.

See my resume for more details.

View Resume


KeyTrak Development

I currently work for Reynolds and Reynolds as the Supervisor of the KeyTrak development team. I was recently promoted after being recognized for my excellent work as a software developer.

KeyTrak is a secure asset management system. That means we provide customers everything: the computer, mouse, keyboard, and all the connected hardware peripherals (of which there are many).

My team and I maintain the software for every component of the KeyTrak system and associated KeyTrak mobile apps. I have a diverse programming background because of this, and enjoy the challenges that come with developing these applications.

See KeyTrak Website

3D Website

This was my 3D website that I created using THREE.js. Feel free to check it out on a mobile device if you aren't already.

See Live Source Code


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